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Reflex ALC (RN-ALC)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) could help improve your memory.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) could help improve your memory.

ALC Acetyl-L-Carnitine

ALC Acetyl-L-Carnitine by Reflex

ALC hit the headlines in 2002 following studies that suggested a combination of ALC & ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) may have an "anti-ageing" effect, even reverse ageing to a certain degree. A link to the article on the BBC web-site can be found here ALC-LINK Since then, both ALC and ALA have become increasingly popular for everyone, not just the sporting sector. With the addition of Reflex ALA and ALC to our product range, this combination has become an even more viable supplement due to the favourable pricing of Reflex supplements. Check out the following details from Reflex.

ALC (Acetyl-L-Carnitine) is similar in form to the amino acid L-Carnitine and also has some similar functions, such as being involved in the metabolism of food into energy.

However, Acetyl-L-Carnitine is absorbed into the bloodstream more efficiently than L-Carnitine and more importantly, Acetyl-L-Carnitine passes more effectively through cell membranes and is utilized more efficiently in the mitochondria of the cell.

Therefore as an amino acid energiser Acetyl-L-Carnitine reportedly has many positive benefits including:

* Boosted immune health, energy, ATP production and stamina
* Maintain levels of testosterone after intense exercise
* Enhanced athletic performance
* Increased alertness, elevated mood and more focus
* Better quality sleep
* Facilitating weight management
* Anti-aging as it maintains youthful cellular energy metabolism

Suggested use for bodybuilding: Take 2 capsules prior to training and another 2 immediately after.

Suggested use for anti-ageing: Take 2 capsules daily. One in the morning, and another late afternoon.

ALC - a supplement of many powers
ALC - a supplement of many powers
  • Quality ALC from Reflex Nutrition
  • 90 x 500mg Capsules

Reference: RN-ALC

UPC code: RN-ALC

Size, Capacity: 90capsules

Manufactured by: Reflex Nutrition

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Gym Ratz - (Cheap Bodybuilding Supplements UK)
Gym RatZ,  199 Avonmouth Road,  Avonmouth,   Bristol,  BS11 9EG   United Kingdom
Tel: 0845 86 86 888   Fax: 0870 47 11011